Category Archives: Hair Styling

Hair Hack- How to condition your hair properly

A short post on a little trick I’ve discovered. Again, a disclaimer that I did not rip off anybody’s idea. I thought of it on my own so if you’ve seen it somewhere before, all I can say is that great minds think alike.

After shampooing, we know we have to use a hair conditioner to seal in the moisture. However, we are not supposed to apply it to the scalp. Hair conditioner and hair masks applied too close to the scalp can make the hair look limp and oily. They also clog up the hair follicles and cause hair loss so the rule of thumb is to apply them to hair below the ears.

So what’s the problem?

Applying hair products to hair that falls below the ears is just a guide and if you apply hair products to these sections of hair, then it’s likely you’ve applied them too close.

I don’t know about you, but this has bothered me for a long time until I came up with a little trick and I’ve been using this little trick for years ever since then.

After washing my hair, I tie it up in a pony tail with a waterproof hair tie. Those curly telephone cord looking ones will do just fine.

Squeeze out excess water from the hair and then simply apply the hair conditioner/mask to the entire pony tail. This way, I know I’m not getting too close to the scalp AND it gets the hair off my face so I can do a facial mask at the same time. You can also use the same trick for when you’re applying other haircare products (e.g. hair oil).

It also works for short hairstyles. You can just section your hair and tie them separately then condition them.

I didn’t condition my hair when I sported a short hairstyle though. The hair ends are “new” so they have not aged as much as the hair ends of longer hairs. And rougher hairs make styling much easier. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but those with shiny silky hair can’t really make their hair stand up as well when their hair is short.

Anyways, this is my little tip: To tie your hair up in a pony tail before conditioning. Hopefully this has been helpful to you.

That’s all for this post. (^O^)/

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Filed under Hair, Hair care, Hair Styling, Tips

New Hairstyle

I went with Eggie to Monsoon for a haircut last Sunday. We literally went crazy & asked the hairstylist to cut our hair really short.

This, is the amount of hair that I got rid of.


The colour is so orangey despite multiple attempts to dye it black so I thought might as well chop them off and grow out new black hair.

Two photos of my new hairstyle.



Surprisingly, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments that the hairstyle suits me a lot. Ehem. Thank you. Even though I also think that it’s nice, I thought that people might not be used to my short hair. Heh heh. (^ω^)

The downside to having short hair is that I have to spend at least 20 min daily to blow dry my hair & bully the curls into submission. 太麻烦了。

Luckily I already have a lot of hair styling products for shorter hair. No need to buy more. And I can now save a lot of conditioner.

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Filed under Hair, Hair Styling

Lucido Hair Treatment Water

This is my current favourite hair treatment water..


I usually use it in the morning. It helps to tame down frizzy ends. Best of all, it doesn’t have a strong scent.

Most of the hair products I own have a strong scent. The different scent will clash, so I particularly like this bottle because it blends in well with the rest.

Initially, I bought the small bottle to try and liked it so much, I purchased the larger one. However, now that I’ve cut my hair, all the hopelessly frizzy ends are gone so less occasion to use it.

Maybe it’ll turn out useful after another dye job in a few months time..

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Filed under Hair, Hair Styling, Reviews

L’Oreal Paris Curl Power


It has been sitting in my closet for a long time. Not to say that it doesn’t work well, but I’ve one too many hair mousse for curly hair, I seldom use this particular bottle.

Recently I’ve started using it again after reading the back of the can. (It promises watery shine to lifeless curls.) And I’m blown away by how soft & natural it made my hair feel. (^O^)



I would take a mandarin sized amount of mousse and apply to towel dried hair & blow dry. Then, bun up my hair before bed and wake up to curly hair. o(^▽^)o

P.s. The instructions on the back of the can really wrote mandarin sized.

This is how much I used.


Even though most hair mousse states that you can apply to wet or dry hair, I think the trick to using hair mousse for curly hair is to apply to wet hair. If you try to apply to dry hair, the mousse will not spread well and the hair will look ‘stringy’ and feel ‘crispy’.

So if I didn’t apply this the night before, I would spray some treatment water to wet the hair before applying curling mousse and air dry. Treatment water will help to grab on to styling products and make them work better. (Think of it as a primer for the hair.)

Hair will turn out like this. More wavy than curly actually.


Then finish with a hairspray. If you skip this step, your curls won’t last for the entire day.

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