Monthly Archives: November 2012

I want a Furby nao!!!

Omgomgomg!! I’ve been Youtubing Furby videos since two days ago and they are so cute!!

Here are some of the links of the videos that I think are especially adorable.

Link to a yellow Furby that looks like Pikachu!! It’s a detailed review on what Furby can do.

Link to Black Furby dancing to Bad Romance.

Link of a detailed review from a little girl. Rather disturbing to see her tug it’s tail and toss the Furby around.

There are more, just go YouTube search “Furby 2012” to see more. I think Imma get one on my own. I’ve told my friends that I don’t mind getting one for my birthday. *Hint hint* And if they do get me one, imma get another one so that they can interact with each other.

A photo of all the Furbys

I remember these Furbys were really popular when I was a teenager but I had no money to get one then. =( Now, I shall get one in Black, Purple, White or Pink.

Black Furby
Photo taken from

Dark Purple
Photo taken from

Black and Dark Purple Furbys seems like they would look great together. Black would look awesome if I give it punk earrings and studs.

Hopefully they don’t get sold out when I get them in December.

I think the special colours Furbys look cool too, especially the Cotton Candy and Aqua but I don’t think they’re available in Singapore.

Cotton Candy
Photo taken from

Photo taken from

I am now completely obsessed with Furbys. I want one nao!!! Or two or three!!

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Revlon Colorstay Whipped

Several weeks ago, I bought the Revlon Colorstay Whipped in #320 Warm Golden and after trying it for a day, I fell in love. However I thought I should give it a few weeks to see if I’ve any adverse reaction before writing a review.

Photo taken on the day I bought it.


When you open it, you will see a plastic lid.


Amount of foundation.


It has a creamy consistency and after application will turn a bit powdery. I use my ring finger to dig out a pea-sized amount and then use my foundation brush to apply directly on my face.

In case you know what a foundation brush is..


P.s. Ecotool’s foundation brush is quite good and inexpensive too. It’s one of my favourite foundation brushes.

The cream foundation has great coverage and lasts in warm weather when I set it with powder. And after weeks of using it, I find that it does not cause me to break out.

Amount left now.


The surface is smooth so it may not look like I’ve used much. That’s because the “hole” in the foundation sort of flattens out over time and looks as good as new.

I think the thick consistency of the foundation makes it hard to package in a pump bottle but I don’t like dipping my finger into the tub as it is unhygienic. Maybe they can try to improve the formula, or at least include a spatula for hygiene purposes?

My current favourite foundation routine is to use The Body Shop Nature’s Minerals Foundation SPF25 in the colour #01 directly after applying Revlon Colorstay Whipped.

Their packaging look similar. ^_^


The Body Shop Nature’s Minerals Foundation SPF25 is a mineral powder that can be just used on its own after concealer but I like medium to full coverage so applying it after the cream foundation is perfect for me. No touch up is needed for the whole day.

I apply it with a kabuki brush, also from The Body Shop.


I like to use my Benefit Sugarbomb blusher when I apply this foundation. I think it sort of adds a soft glow to my face. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ


Specifically, I like the golden & plum half of the blusher more as it adds more warmth.


And that is my current favourite foundation routine. I would dust on highlights if I’ve time and that would be it.

Somehow this has turned into a foundation routine post when I started off with the intention to write a review of the Revlon Colorstay Whipped. σ(^_^;)

I will definitely repurchase the Revlon Colorstay Whipped when I run out as it works so well and only cost $29.90. That’s quite a good investment for girls who like foundation with good coverage. I think my tub will last for at least another 3 months even when I use it daily.

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Filed under Cosmetics, Face, Gift ideas, Reviews

Avocado for the skin

Despite what the name suggests, this post is not really about avocados. It is about how much of a glutton I am.

I bought 3 avocados, and ate one and a half.

(; ̄ェ ̄)They were meant to be use as a facial mask.

All you have to do is to cut the avocado and dig out the flesh, mash it up and apply on your face for 15 minutes.


By the way, for the face, you’ll only need half.

I can’t really say if the avocado facial mask works, as I think that it requires consistent use weekly before I can report if I develop any adverse reaction to the mask.

Right now, it’s pretty okay for a facial mask, but not so much as a hair mask. The pulp got stuck in my hair and I had to shampoo twice. =(

What I can say though, is that avocado is an acquired taste. Obviously I love it, but I can see how some people might not like it.

P.s. For people who are interested in making their own avocado moisturising mask and still don’t understand what I’m saying, YouTube it.

Other than understanding how the mask works, on Youtube, you can also see how irresponsible some people are. In one of the videos that I saw, the person said that she had an allergic reaction to the avocado halfway through her tutorial.

Are you serious? So without testing it out beforehand for the effect of the mask, she had the intention to just film and put up the video. I don’t know about you, but I would never trust what she says in her videos again.

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Filed under Face, Hair, Hair care, Skincare

New Hairstyle

I went with Eggie to Monsoon for a haircut last Sunday. We literally went crazy & asked the hairstylist to cut our hair really short.

This, is the amount of hair that I got rid of.


The colour is so orangey despite multiple attempts to dye it black so I thought might as well chop them off and grow out new black hair.

Two photos of my new hairstyle.



Surprisingly, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments that the hairstyle suits me a lot. Ehem. Thank you. Even though I also think that it’s nice, I thought that people might not be used to my short hair. Heh heh. (^ω^)

The downside to having short hair is that I have to spend at least 20 min daily to blow dry my hair & bully the curls into submission. 太麻烦了。

Luckily I already have a lot of hair styling products for shorter hair. No need to buy more. And I can now save a lot of conditioner.

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Filed under Hair, Hair Styling

Summer’s Eve & baby wipes

Right now, I’m having cramps and it’s just really crappy to be me. And that’s what inspired me to post this entry here — Hygiene during that time of the month.

Actually, it should be hygiene everyday, not just during that particular week, but I think a lot of girls just wipe with toilet paper after they pee and that’s basically it.

I’m not judging them, as I used to be like that too. I think it’s just the way I was brought up as asian mums don’t talk about vajayjay care. My mum only taught me how to put on a sanitary pad and that was that.

The point of this entry though, is that I think it’s really important to use a intimate wash everyday, especially when you live in a warm country like Singapore. Or at least use it when you’re having your period.


My favourite is Summer’s Eve for sensitive skin. This is the free bottle that comes with the full sized one. I’ll only buy it when it’s on sale. One bottle can last for very long even if you use it daily.

Obviously, I just find it icky not to wash down there. I mean, it’s also skin which means you also sweat there too and you cannot use regular soap to wash as it’ll mess up the ph of your skin.

Ehem. Let’s move on to baby wipes. Note, it’s baby wipes, NOT regular wet wipes.

Right now, I’ve just finished up a whole packet of this.


Normally I leave a packet of baby wipes in the bathroom toilet and use it in place of toilet paper. It cleans more thoroughly, and doesn’t stick to the skin. And the “paper” is usually more gentle on the skin and doesn’t tear easily.

The brand of baby wipe matters. I’ve tried Pampers baby wipes and it’s better than some other brands as the sheets are thicker.

With that said, I’ve to say I prefer Beautex over Pampers as I don’t have to stick the opening back very carefully and it’s just more convenient to lift and close.

I haven’t tried this yet. It’s given to me by my Mum. I suspect she doesn’t know that it’s feminine wipes.


Again, I have to say, it’s personal preference to use baby wipes in place of toilet paper, but I think it helps out a lot when I have my period as it cleans better and is more gentle.

And with that, I shall end this awkward too-much-information entry.

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Filed under Shower products, Skincare

The Fat Lass in Wall E

The other day, while waiting for a bus, my iPhone ran out of juice. I looked up and then realised that everyone else is preoccupied with their smartphones and tabs.

It just dawned on me that maybe we are all turning into the fat lass in Wall E.

P.s. For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, go watch Wall E. It’s a fantastic movie.

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Filed under Random musing

Throwing away the lip balm before you’re done

Have you smelled your lip balm today?

I know it sounds a little odd, but trust me, this is legit. This has happened to several of my lip balms and I suspect it might be the weather.

A little while ago, I bought this Burt’s Bees lip balm from Sephora for $8.


I tried the tester on my hand, the texture was okay and it smelled like delicious mangoes, and the word butter make me think of plump lips so I bought one.

The thing was, after using it for two days, it started smelling a little like mango yogurt.

I mean I love yogurts, but somehow my lip balm smelling like sour yogurts? Not a good thing.

Not that I expected a shelf life of a year but two days is a tad short isn’t it? I’d checked the whole tube and it does not indicate the expiry date or how long I should keep it once I’ve opened it.

So how now brown cow? Will you still continue to use your lip balm even if it smells funky?

I’ve obviously chucked mine, and am considering if I should open the new Ginger Sparkle Lip Balm or finish up the pot of lip butter that I’m halfway through.

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Filed under Face, Lips, Reviews

The Body Shop Christmas Haul 2012 (Part 1)

Since the previous post was a little negative, here’s a happy post on my The Body Shop haul.

I have to say that even though I don’t celebrate Christmas, I love Christmas items because they are red and/or warm.

See? Even the shopping bag is red.


This year, The Body Shop has several items that I love. Their Christmas items come in 3 scent. I love their Cranberry & Ginger. Can’t remember the 3rd one, it’s a flowery scent, if I’m not wrong.

Bought their Ginger Sparkle Hand Lotion, which I’ve already started using.


The round shape is absolutely adorable and I love how easily it is absorbed into my skin. Maybe I’ll get the cranberry one too. The sales person said that the items will be on sale for the whole Christmas season.

I also got the Ginger Sparkle Lip Balm which I haven’t tried yet.



The shape is kinda cute, though I’m not sure how I’m supposed to use it when it levels out. Hmmm. I seldom ever completely finished a lip balm anyways. Will talk about why in the next post.

Last of all, I also bought the Cranberry Joy Hand Cream, for my hands.


You would think that it’s obvious, but the Ginger Sparkle Hand Lotion mentioned above, I use for my whole body. I just find that hand lotion is absorbed by the skin faster. =p

That’s all for this post. I’d only bought 3 items from The Body Shop this time. Like I said, the items will be for sale until December so no rush. Right now, I’m considering their soaps, scented oils & sparkling body lotions.

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Filed under Hands, Lips, Purchases, Skincare

Kids like that make me wanna sterilise myself

Running the risk of sounding old, but this must still be said..

I don’t understand what kids are thinking of these days.

Honestly, I’m not sure I want to because that would reflect badly on the people of my generation who brought them up.

Yesterday, I tweeted a lot of happy tweets about going to dinner with my Mum & Shortcake. A not so pleasant episode nearly ruined my day. It didn’t. I wouldn’t let it.

So we were in the toilet and directly after getting into the cubicle, someone in the next cubicle threw a wad of toilet paper over. I kicked back the toilet paper as a warning and decided to let it slide.

And immediately after I sat down, another wad of rumpled toilet paper landed on my head.

There is no civilised way to express this so I’m gonna just say it straight.

I was FUCKING pissed off.

If you’re laughing now, then you’re a piece of shit.

Who knows if where that piece of toilet paper had been? It could have been used and it landed on my head.

So I rushed out of the toilet after pulling up my pants and didn’t waste time buttoning up. I didn’t want that fucking bastard to run away.

In my rage, I kicked the cubicle door several times. I remember shouting at the person inside to get out of the cubicle and banging on the door really hard. The person refused to open the door.

Everyone in the toilet was looking at me. This behaviour may seem a bit strange to those who know me. I seldom display such violent emotions so blatantly. It literally felt like I flipped a switch.

In my mind, I thought it was a teenager with nothing better to do. The person must have been very scared, she stayed in the cubicle for quite long. I was prepared to wait it out.

And when she did come out, (Surprise! Surprise!) it was just a little girl.

You know that feeling when you punch and it landed on nothing? That was what I felt when I saw the little girl. It felt like I was picking on someone smaller so I just gave her a tongue lashing & made her apologise.

What was she thinking?!

Did she honestly think that she could get away with doing shit like that and no one would confront her?

I cannot believe how she tried to deny ever doing it with a straight face until I told her that I saw the toilet paper came over from her side of the cubicle. And I had to force her to apologise.

It truly makes me sad now that I have got time to reflect on it. Parents who are incompetent and kids like that makes me more determined not to have children of my own in the future.

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How to fix your nail polish boo boos

The title of this post sounds a bit odd, but I simply can’t think of a dignified title. Let’s just say that after a long day, my brain is only functioning 20% of the usual.

This post is inspired by a really bad manicure that I’d just gotten at a salon. Terrible. There are tiny air bubbles and the manicurist didn’t even trim or shape my nails properly. Worst of all, she slathered on thick layers of nail polish and didn’t use a fan to dry my nails so I ended up with a huge boo boo on my nails when I dug into my bag to look for my wallet after leaving the salon.

So what to do when your nails are all done and you accidentally touched or scratched your nails?

Like this.
I googled this photo, don’t ask me from where.

All you need are these two things.
A bottle of nail polish remover and top coat.

Just drip on a few drops of nail polish remover and the nail polish will “melt” and smoothen itself and you can apply top coat directly after. Easy right?!

I learnt it a few years ago after observing a manicurist fix one of my nails that she accidentally ruined.

Now after fixing my own boo boo (at the thumb), it looks like this now.

Done in 2 minutes flat. Now you don’t have to redo that nail that you’d ruined.

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Filed under Hands, Nails