Monthly Archives: June 2012

PinkDot 2012

I asked Harmony along to PinkDot and she sportingly agreed. It is an event to spread awareness and promote acceptance of the LGBT community in Singapore. It was held at Hong Lim Park today at 6pm. You can read more about it here.

As usual, we took quite a few photos.

ShareTea dabaoed all the way from Yishun.



Sick of our faces yet? (≧∇≦)


From hot pink to baby pink, pastel pink and shell pink. There were pink balloons, pink shoes, pink shorts, pink hair and pink pyjamas..

Everybody was wearing pink and it was just wonderful to see so many shades of pink.



You probably can’t tell, as It is too small, but it’s a flying camcorder!!


Harmony said that she saw it flying into trees.

∑(゚Д゚) Like that still can work?

There were performances on the stage too, but we were too far away (and too short) to truly appreciate them.


So we camwhored.



When dusk came, everyone gathered in a group and pointed our pink lights into the sky and this is what the vantage camera captured..

Photo taken from PinkDot’s twitter.


15000 people turned up and I’m glad that more and more people are becoming more open-minded.

I think I’ve never told anyone why I’m a supporter before. This all goes back to one of my ex-boyfriend who has a gay brother. His brother experienced bouts of depression and coped by slashing himself. He entertained thoughts of committing suicide all because he thought his family wouldn’t accept him for who he is.

I also remember, with a sick feeling in my stomach, how some of the boys in my JC class laughed at our GP teacher about how gay he was. The harassment during lessons were so bad, the teacher broke his contract and left the school. Subsequently, he went overseas to work and I never heard from him again.

Granted that the teacher probably had better offers elsewhere but I think the bullying contributed to his decision to leave the school. And I am ashamed to say that I did nothing to stop them. This guilt stayed with me till this very day. I should have told them off, or at least tried to stop them. My silence was just as bad as their bullying.

This year, I won’t make the same mistake again. I believe that everyone should be free to love whoever they want to. And if wearing pink for one day each year can help to move a step forward towards that, then so be it. I’ll gladly do it every year.

And I hope that more and more of my friends will join me every year to support PinkDot. ( ^ω^ )

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Natural Ombré Effect

Good morning!!

Sharing some photos taken during my morning walk. Taken on the iPhone at 6.30am today.




The ombre effect of pink to yellow to blue hues are absolutely gorgeous!! They gave me a great start to the day so I’m here to share the joy. Cheers!!

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Lush long lashes

I’ve discovered a good way to apply mascara.


It’s a tutorial by pplcallmefish, so go YouTube her!!



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Mr Pigeon

This is all very mysterious. During my morning walk (more like late afternoon, I overslept), I saw a pigeon baking under the hot sun. It was just standing there forlornly, unable to fly back to shelter, so I reckon I should take it back home, feed it some water and then let it go.

So I caught it with my bare hands and walked home with it. Mind you, pigeons are full of germs and probably has bird flu but I wasn’t thinking straight. Walking under the unyielding heat, it wasn’t hard to sympathise with the pigeon. If I didn’t do anything, it would probably get heatstroke and die. That would be a really lousy way to go.

So I clutched it with my right hand and kept muttering that it loves me and won’t peck my hand. Guess someone up there heard me and it didn’t.

When I reached home, I gave it a bath as the thought of germs were creeping me out. Lots of futile flapping from the pigeon and shrieking from me later, I dried it off with an old t-shirt and put it in a large shoebox filled with paper. It was windy so I covered it with the t-shirt, placing the box just outside the house.

And Mr Pigeon seemed fine with the arrangement. I left for work hours later.

After work, I boarded the elevator and saw a pigeon in the lift. 它看我,我看它。我们大眼瞪小眼。I was trying to figure out if it was Mr Pigeon. Afterall, Mr Pigeon didn’t seem to be able to fly and pigeons can’t take lifts, not unless they accidentally flew in.

So I alighted at my floor and hastened to the box. 鸽子先生真的不见了!它会搭电梯。(°_°)

Not wanting Mr Pigeon to be eaten by the stray cats, I quickly went to press for the lift which had gone to the 9th floor, and when it opened, Mr Pigeon was gone.

I tried all three lifts and it was not in any of them.

Panicking, I went to check the 9th and 1st floor but Mr Pigeon was nowhere to be found. No bird can walk that fast. Shortcake says that a cat must have gotten it. I doubt so either. No cat can chew that fast.

I’ll like to think that someone took it out of the lift or that it found its way home.

I marvelled at the coincidence. What are the odds of me taking that exact lift Mr Pigeon was in, out of the 3 lifts?

Maybe it was saying goodbye. I know it sounds crazy, but I truly think it was much better than finding an empty box, wondering where it went.

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H&M Dressing room

I like all of them but considering that I would never wear them to work, I didn’t buy any.




But it was fun trying them on anyway.. =p

The clothes at H&M are nicer and cheaper than the last time when I visited it. Maybe it’s turning into another F21.

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I put on falsies today. It would have been a waste if I didn’t camho.

So here’s 2 photos of me..



I always thought I look weird with falsies on. My eyes become too elongated, probably due to the fact that I don’t trim my falsies shorter before applying them.

But I would hate to cut up my Dolly Wink falsies. They don’t seem complete without the ends, I suppose.

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Flowers from a tree

Saw a whole lot of these flowers during my morning walk.


They’re just everywhere, lying on the floor..



There are pink ones too..


But I like the white ones better.


I’ve been taking morning walks for the past few days and I hope I make a habit of it. o(^_^)o

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Recently, I’ve been reading eBooks on Kobo. It is an app that allows phone users to access eBooks and most of the classics are free, among others. I first discovered Kobo back when I was still using my Blackberry Bold. It has always been my favourite reading app.

Anyways, Kobo has a large variety of eBooks for purchase, which regrettably, has caused me to spend a wee bit too much this week.

I attacked the search button for some of the books I really liked and to my utmost delight, I found Patricia Briggs. She’s one of my favourite authors and I went trigger happy with my card, buying the entire Alpha & Omega collection, including a new one that I hadn’t read before. (P.s. I just finished that new book and I’m quite sad that it ended.)

By the way, I bought The Secret there too. Which I also finished reading a few days ago. It’s a book for people who are already willing to make a change. Those who are not, will find themselves skeptics. I know I would have been so if I had read it a few years ago.

I also bought the first book in The Hunger Games series. It was highly recommended by one of my tutees. He shares my interest in reading so sometimes we talk bookworm lingo.

Though, now that I’ve thought about it, I’m not sure if I can trust his taste in books; He loves the Twilight series from Stephenie Meyers(; ̄ェ ̄)but also reads works by Dan Brown (i.e. The Da Vinci Code) Come to think of it, I gave him a paperback cover of The Sins of the Father by Jeffery Archer for his birthday this year and he seems to like it too.

As I was saying, I spent too much on eBooks. I even bought the entire Harry Potter series from Pottermore so that I can read them on the go.

Who reads Harry Potter on the go anyway?! Certainly not me. I prefer reading them, especially books of the fantasy genre, curled up in bed over a cup of warm tea. I find that it gives me a clear visual of what I read. Sigh..

Maybe I’ll make a habit out of it.

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The Secret

I’ve just finished reading The Secret and I’m really shocked. I had been unknowingly practising techniques from The Secret last year and truly, I was much much happier then.

Somewhere along the way, I let negativity get me down and all the complaining made things worse. I see that now.

This reaffirms my belief that I should pick up where I left off. Start saying my thanks nightly and be happy. I should never have let people tell me what I can or cannot do and wavered in my decisions. From now on, more positivity from me!!


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This post is entirely dedicated to Pudding, a brown guinea pig temporarily staying in my house, so consider yourself forewarned if you don’t like guinea pigs.

This is Pudding..


She’s round, chubby and very feisty. I got chewed on one too many times that I find it hard to like her. She belongs to Shortcake’s bf and since they went overseas for a holiday, I’m babysitting Pudding for the time being.

More photos of Pudding..


One with TTZ..


Their favourite part of the hay.. I collected a lot and put them in at one go..


Last one..


That’s all for now. Pudding will be leaving my house soon as Shortcake is back in Singapore now.

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